Warsaw-Lincoln Ambulance District started operations as most rural services did in the early 1970’s – as a funeral home based service. In November of 1974, the first full equipped ambulance was put into service and the actual ambulance service was formed in 1978.
The district is a tax supported, ALS (Advanced Life Support) service that covers greater than 700 square miles. Population in the service area is 18,000+ not including the thousands of tourists who frequent the area for lake recreation and festivals.
In 2008 The Emergency Medical Service of the Year award was presented to Warsaw-Lincoln Ambulance District for exemplifying outstanding professionalism and service to the community and people it serves.
The district operates four fully equipped ambulances, four of which are staffed at all times from three bases. The district employees 26 personnel, including 12 Paramedics, 10 of which are Nationally registered EMT-Ps. The staff includes 6 certified instructors who provide CPR classes and First Responder Classes to local organizations.